Friday, September 3, 2010

Saving your work in the XLM Python City tutorial is perplexing..

What a clusterfuck it is to save your work in this tutorial. There's two kinds of files being saved..

There's all these OTL files that build up in your USER USERS MYDOCUMENTS FOLDERS with automatic saves
These will change the nature of your main saved .HIP file no matter when it was saved..

So if you're writing the code and you screw it up and you want to revert to an earlier save .HIP file, you're out of luck.
those OTL file autosaves will update your saved .HIP file so now it contains all your screwed up code. So solly! you've got to start
So what I'm doing now is I'm cutting and pasting the entire page of code to a new tab in Notepad++ and saving each tab in its turn so I'll be able to just go back to the Notepad++ and copy paste it back into my Code page when I need to.

But then I'm a noob so what do I know? Lots to learn here as I'm struggling to get a handle on Houdini and Python simultaneously..

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